The Batman

The Batman
Good? or Evil?!!!

No worries little Poochie!

No worries little Poochie!

This is MY Batman!!!!

This is MY Batman!!!!

19 August 2009


I am not ashamed to say that I read ALL THE TIME. My husband says that makes me a nerd. Well, duh! Husband reads also, but strictly on computer only. I love to hold the book. And whiff the pages as I turn them. And highlight favorite parts... well, you get the idea.

So, it was to my abject HORROR that he suggested we sell some books back to Hastings. What? Not the books. I'm having anxiety, heart is pounding. Mouth is dry and I think I need to put my head between my knees. Isn't that what you do when you think you're going to pass out?

Not that I don't have plenty. I could honestly fill a room with the books I have, Maybe two actually.... And Husband is turning our third bedroom into a library for me. But since I'm out of work we have to be extra careful with the mulah.

Which brings me right back to the dreaded topic. O.K., I'm thinking, no problem.. It would take me Forever to re-read them. So I bravely pull one off the shelf. Damn. Not that one, it's Into the Wild. Love the movie, love the book. It's a life lesson book. True story all that. Yep. Keeping it. As you can imagine it went back and forth like this for awhile. Husband is off this week so he is annoyingly close by, for support he says. Which I'm sure is really true. But still. HOVERING! I bravely soldier on. We end up filling two big recyclable bags FULL. Thats it. Done. First step. As we are headed to the Jeep I have a horrible attack of conscience. Wait. " I can't sell these Daniel!" He looks at me, brows HALF Furrowed. " What do you mean." calmly. " I always donate them to the library for all of the people with no money who want to read a good book. And I have good books. I mean, great books, actually..." Husband calmly, " You are one of the people with no money right now. You do use the library." Me, " Exactly, and I want to give back." Husband is now clearly vexed. " O.K. I support your humanitarianism. Normally. But not today. First let's see what we can sell." I take a HUGE trembling breath. "O.K. but any that they don't take we donate." Yes! We did it! We made a deal. And now... to Hastings.

That first day we made $23.00 off of 10 books they accepted. The girl explained the kind of books they do and do not accept. No prob. I happily brought all the other books to the library where I could visit them anytime. I am feeling very good about this deal. And I had 23 bucks in my pocket. Free Money!!
So we went home and I filled the bag again with the correct kind of books. This trip brought us $55.00. Big Bucks. No Whammies!!

Free money. A lesson learned in letting go of things. Compromise. And still able to donate. I'm in.

So, have to run. Hubby and I are headed to a different Hastings with a new load of books.

Have a great day. And, hey, read a book!

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