The Batman

The Batman
Good? or Evil?!!!

No worries little Poochie!

No worries little Poochie!

This is MY Batman!!!!

This is MY Batman!!!!

14 August 2009

Small Fry and the Angry Hornet

So, I was sweeping the front porch yesterday afternoon feeling all domestic and like I was being such a good little wife. The dog crew were hanging around keeping me company, which made me feel slightly better about the fact that I was talking to myself and laughing out loud at my own comments.....

I must first fill you in on the fact that, yes, another little lost pup found it's way to my house. These two little boys had found her and were scouring the neighborhood literally ALL afternoon. From like noon to 7 pm trying to find "Small Frys" home. To no avail. By the time they approached me they were clearly ready to be done with their noble task. So I felt it was my duty to relieve the young squires from their plight. I walked into the bedroom where super hubby was relaxing after a long day of work and this is what I heard, before I even opened my mouth; " Absolutely Not. Take it somewhere, anywhere, just NOT HERE!!!" OMG. This was a serious Furrowed Brow Issue. So we negotiated 2 days of asylum for small fry while I tried my hardest to get her a good home. Which I can honestly say I did. I brought her to the clinic and scanned her for a microchip. No luck. Then my super tech friend Matt took pics of her with the digital camera and spread the word at work. No one could take her although many wanted her. fast forward to the the THIRD day. I walked into the bedroom during Bill O Reilly ( fox news master extrodinaire; next to Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck...) and what to my wondering eyes should appear? But a little small fry and a big gentle bear. Yep, you guessed it. Daniel had been sucked in to loving the pooch. She was curled up at his side and he had his arm around her and they were both asleep! The Lion laying down with the lamb! Amazing.

So thats how Small Fry has become our new addition, She is adorable and unusually calm for a puppy of 8 wks. I have already given her her first puppy shot. And the rest of the animal family took her in like they knew, of course, that she needs them.

And here is where the Hornet story comes about. So, to continue the drama... I was sweeping away when i hear these little puppy yelps. I turn to assess the situation and see Small Fry biting crazily at her back leg and paw. And. Then. I. Hear. The. Buzzing. And I SPRING INTO IMMEDIATE ACTION. O , I WILL save my littlest baby. I run over and start waving the broom madly in the general direction of the flying insect terror; ( brilliant, I know.) Suddenly, I am attacked by what seemed to be three or four wasps but turned out to be 2. And the stinging. For the love of God! I was stung four times and MAN it BURNS and STINGS and Itches. At this point I am dancing wildly around the front yard slapping at my hip, leg and arm and can only imagine what the neighbors are thinking as they observe the crazy chic across the street. Some things just can't be done justice by mere words. But it must have truly been a hilarious sight. I run inside with all the animals and the buzzing won't stop. Make it stop please stop the buzzing. And they are biting again and this time it's my head. What the.... I start shaking my hair out and scratching and the last Hornet Warrior takes a nose dive.

Shew.... it's over. But o my the PAIN!!!!! By this time I had a huge welt on my arm and two huge welts on my hip. and I couldn't find my benadryl. Of course. Murphys law. So I drove to my best friend in the worlds house ( Linda the Great) and she doctored me up and sent me home with some just in case I never found mine. Have I told u lately that I love you Scminders???!!! I DO ! Good thing I had it because I discovered as soon as I got home and checked on her, the whole right side of her face was swollen so huge her eye wouldn't open. Great. I'm a horrible mom. I quickly gave her half a benadryl in cheese and made sure to monitor for any symptoms of distress. But small fry turns out to be a fighter and not even the benadryl slowed her down from doing those great puppy things like chewing random stuff, antagonizing her brother and sister. Terrorizing the cats. Licking the nearest person to her to death..... as i watched her doing all this i breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sat down to relax.

SO.....Heres To You Mr I MaKe the Benadryl and Save Puppies Lives Guy: Your a Real Man of Genius......

And so, we all made it through one more day and if you ask me, that means things are great!

Until the next Havey-Martinez family adventure; hug someone you love and have a great day.....

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