The Batman

The Batman
Good? or Evil?!!!

No worries little Poochie!

No worries little Poochie!

This is MY Batman!!!!

This is MY Batman!!!!

25 September 2009

NoT a Ray of SunShine ToDay....

You know what I hate??? Fake, lying people. And when you genuinely care about someone and would do anything for them and they just screw you over the first chance they get. Ya, let's skip the everything is coming up roses crap, when really everything is coming up just CRAP.

You would think I would learn after basically a lifetime of trusting people and them spitting in my face... but I don't learn I guess... I just keep on giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. And now it has actually become my downfall. Like where it has actually affected me physically. And I cant work a full time job and I had to leave the job I loved because I actually cared SO much it made me physically sick.

An actual medical condition. Not just the ulcers but the Chrons. Great. So a word to the wise.... Try your hardest to NOT CARE. As a survival technique. For yourself. You see, what I learned is , everyone else just takes care of themselves and their lives go on no problem. Not mine. I lay curled up in a ball of pain for days at a time... vomiting and painful and you know what?? Those people I cared so much about ... they're nowhere to be found.

So, I guess all I have to say is PISS ON EM. I actually have stronger words for them but refuse to use them here... though I'm sure you can figure them out, dear reader!!

And once I actually stop caring SO much , maybe I can function again. See, the pain goes away when I don't give a shit. So there. To those I cared about and I thought were friends until they stabbed me in the back, I don't give a shit. Because I am very sure that one day it will all come back to you....

Sorry to bring anyone down; but hey... life isn't all sunshine and puppy kisses is it??? !!! Thats just reality.... Today, I am indulging in a bit of anger and truth. Maybe tomorrow I will have something happier to post. Or maybe not. That's the great thing about this blog business... It's pretty much a free for all of feelings... so there you have it,

To those I love ; thanks for putting up with my psychosis; to those who back stabbed me; BITE ME....

I feel so much better now! I'm going to hang out with the dogs and ignore the world today.
More later, maybe happier later....

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